The consequences of a mishap in the kitchen, where fires are most common, can be devastating and long-lasting. The risk of a fire is present in every single home in Florida. It’s time we all took the risk seriously and started taking precautions each day.
Kitchen fires from cooking were the leading cause of reported home fires and home fire injuries in 2015 – 2019 and the second leading cause of home fire deaths. Cooking caused 49 percent of reported home fires, 20 percent of reported home fire deaths, and 42 percent of home fire injuries.
What you should know about home cooking safety:
Electricity helps make our lives easier but there are times when we can take power and its potential for electrical-based fires and related hazards for granted.
What you should know about home electrical safety:
Another leading cause of home fires is smoking. This can include cigarettes, cigars, and even pipes. If these materials are not properly extinguished, they can easily ignite a nearby object and start a fire. In addition, if you use a smoker you should dispose of any waste material in places where they can’t start a fire. Don’t dispose of them in trash cans or near flammable liquids. It’s best to wait until the waste is cold before disposing of it.
What you should know about smoking safety:
Candles may be pretty to look at but they are a cause of home fires — and home fire deaths. Remember, a candle is an open flame, which means that it can easily ignite anything that can burn.
What you should know about using candles safely:
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